Santander, CaixaBank, Sabadell and Kutxa will lose more than 70% of their investment in Sareb

Santander, CaixaBank, Sabadell and Kutxa will lose more than 70% of their investment in Sareb

The bank restructuring fund and the banks will have to raise the provisions. The increase in the red numbers changes the business plan.

The latest revision of Sareb's business plan recognizes that shareholders and bondholders of the company will lose 73% of their initial investment, so that both the Frob and the private shareholders must make new provisions to cover these future losses.

Sareb has an annual obligation to adapt its business plan that reaches 2027, at which time the company must disappear, according to the company. he contemplated at the time of his training in 2012.

The last revision was carried out last February and it is clear that shareholders and bondholders will only recover 27% of their initial investment, that is, 1,296 million of the 4.800 million euros that they put.

The people in charge of the bad bank have accepted the reality that the society, created in 2012 to clean real estate assets the balance of the banks coming from the old banks of savings q that went into crisis, will be liquidated in 2027, generating significant losses for the Frob and the group of private shareholders who at the time accepted to be part of the operation.

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